Flickr. But free user can utilize only the limited features. But when you looking for the alternatives, we can get all of these premium features for Free of cost. Just look my collections below.
Free Alternative to Flickr:
Ovi From NokiaOvi is the popular product form Nokia. You can share your photos and videos right from your mobile and from your computer. Here you can upload unlimited number of photos and videos.
- Unlimited storage for photos and videos.
- Unlimited bandwidth for data transfer.
Zoomr is the popular photo sharing website with social sharing features. Here you can make your personalized profile for public photo sharing. Free and paid account available.
- Unlimited storage for photos. Video sharing not available.
- Unlimited bandwidth for data transfer.
- Tagging facility available.
Picasa (Web Albums)
Picasa Web Album is the Google’s product. It has clean nice web interface to share your photos in online. Picasa also has the desktop application, to share and edit the photos right from your computer.
- 1 GB storage space for photos and videos.
- Unlimited Bandwidth. Share with anybody, anywhere in the web.
Snapixel is a popular photo sharing and marketplace site. You can share and sell you photos in one place. Share your phots for free of cost or for money. Free and pro version is available. Pro version costs $9.95/year.
- 5 GB storage space for photos. Video sharing not available.
- Limited bandwidth for data transfer.
- 500 MB of photo storage space.
- Limited bandwidth for data transfer.
If you have time, please consider adding Photo Dekho. It might be a good alternate.